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  1)  共生微生物及其与宿主的共生机制

    肠道共生微生物不仅对食物的消化吸收起着重要的作用,而且对宿主的病毒防御、免疫调控等也起着举足轻重的作用,本课题组利用深海海试或深渊航次获取的样品,对南海1000米大王具足虫、马里亚纳海沟6000米深渊海参,以及马里亚纳海沟狮子鱼、万米钩虾进行肠道共生微生物的研究。研究结果发现,柔壁菌门薄膜菌钢的微生物如支原体、螺原体、脲原菌与深海生物形成共生,并成为优势共生菌。这些共生微生物为宿主提供机体所必需的营养物质如维生素,帮助宿主进行能量获取如纤维素的降解,为宿主提供免疫机制如应用cripr机制抵制病毒的入侵等。而这些微生物在大多数情况下是陆生生物或人类的病原菌。已发表文章《applied & environmental microbiology》(if3.7top期刊;jcr2区;)、《environmental microbiology》(if5.0top 期刊;jcr1区)、《nucleic acids research(if 11.6; top 期刊;jcr1)、《frontiers in microbiology》(if4.3 jcr 1区)、《deep sea research part i: oceanagraphic research papers》(if2.8 jcr1区)等。文章一经发表,立即得到美国微生物协会两位主席moselio schaechter教授和哈佛大学roberto kolter教授迅速做出评价,认为该文提供了深海生物与柔壁门共生菌共同应对深海极端环境的确实证据(该菌习惯上被认为只是人畜病原菌)。

  2)  深海生物特有的调控通路及代谢通

   深海生物为适应深海的高压、无光、低温及寡营养的极端环境,不仅在外表形态如嘴巴变大,牙齿异常锋利外,在分子水平也有着不同于生存于浅海环境生物的代谢及调控特征。本课题组发现万米深渊除hirondellea gigas外,另一个优势物种halice sp. mt2017,其分化时间分别在约58mya109mya,而马里亚纳海沟形成时间是约30mya,提示深渊物种从浅海物种演化而来。应用这两种万米钩虾,与浅海钩虾比较,研究发现万米钩虾的骨架蛋白扩张及高度磷酸化,包括微丝蛋白、微管蛋白、中间丝蛋白及调控骨架聚合与解离的骨架结合蛋白。细胞骨架在高压情况下会塌陷,从而影响细胞的形态、信息传导、细胞分裂等细胞生命活动。骨架蛋白通对磷酸化对骨架的聚合解聚等活动进行调节;可变剪切在真核生物体内广泛存在,其中有95%的基因都存在可变剪切现象。可变剪切导致了转录本和蛋白质结构与功能的多态性,是一种重要的转录调控机制。不同的剪切方式使得同一个基因可以产生多个不同的成熟mrna, 最终产生不同的蛋白质。万米钩虾转录后剪切相关基因与浅海钩虾相比得到正选择;同时发现深渊钩虾线粒体蛋白的非极性氨基酸的比例明显高于源于浅海的钩虾。本研究分别从dna水平、转录水平及蛋白后修饰水平提示深渊钩环境适应的分子机制。部分研究成果发表在《scientific reports》(if5.02 jcr 1区)、《international journal of biological macromolecules》(if 4.78 jcr 1区)等。

  3)  源于深海酶类的研究

   深海的环境特殊,必然存在着具有特别活性或活性特异的酶类。本课题组从南中国海1000米捕获的大王具足虫的共生菌里克隆并表达了唾液酸裂解酶。唾液酸裂解酶具有逆向合成唾液酸的功能。唾液酸是神经节苷脂的传递递质,是大脑的组成部分,是婴幼儿奶粉的主要添加剂之一。目前的唾液酸主要靠工业发酵纯化获得。本项目研究发现源于深海的唾液酸裂解酶的活性是目前报导的所有唾液酸裂解酶的4-10倍。并且具有较强的ph 值适应范围。为工业用酶提供了新选择。研究成果已发表在《marine drugs》(if4.4;jcr: 1区)。除此之外,本课题组从热虾中克隆并表达了多种抗菌肽,对多种耐药菌株具有显著的抑菌效果。

  4)  深海生物捕获装置的研发

    目前我国的深海特别是深渊生物的研究与陆生生物的研究相比, 相差较远, 原因之一便是生物的获取困难,为此,为揽瓷器活,先做金刚钻。本课题组联合本所工程人员,研制了宏生物防逃逸诱捕器,保温宏生物诱捕器以及配合载人深潜器机械手使用的负压吸引器。这些装置均已在多个航次中成功使用。






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                         郭璐璐,研究助理,实验师                李琪,2019级在读博士生


                        史孟可,2020级在读博士生               廖燕雯,2018级在读硕士生


                     闫国永,2014级博士生,已毕业       李俊元,2015级博士生,已毕业


                     连春盎,2016级博士生,已毕业        朱方超,2016级博士生,已毕业


                     王少露,2014级硕士生,已毕业         程项雨,2016级硕士生,已毕业







  lian c.a., zhu f.c., wei z.f., he l.s.* composition and potential functions of the dominant microbiota in deep-sea hagfish gut from the south china sea. 2021. 169.

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  yan gy, sun j, wang zs, he l.s.*. insights into the synthesis, secretion and curing of barnacle cyprid adhesive via transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of the cement gland. marine drugs 2020,18(4), 186.

  lian ca, li jy, zhu fc, he l.s.*. the complete mitochondrial genome of a new deep-sea hagfish eptatretus sp. nan-hai (myxinidae: eptatretus) from the south china sea. mitochondrial dna part b 2020, 5(1):619-620.

  li j.y., liao y.w., li j. , he l.s. *. the complete mitochondrial genome of the deep-sea amphipod eurythenes magellanicus (crustacea: amphipoda: lysianassidae). mitochondrial dna part b 2020, vol. 5, no. 1, 337–339.

  kou q., meland k., li x.z. *, he l.s., wang y. “unicorn from hades”, a new genus of mysidae (malacostraca: mysida) from the mariana trench, with a systematic analysis of the deep-sea mysids. .

  zhu f.c., sun .j, yan g.y., huang j.m., chen c., he l.s.* insights into the strategy of micro-environmental adaptation: transcriptomic analysis of two alvinocaridid shrimps at a hydrothermal vent. plos one. 2020.15(1): e0227587.

  li j.y., zeng c., yan g.y., he l.s.*. characterization of the mitochondrial genome of an ancient amphipod halice sp. mt-2017 (pardaliscidae) from 10,908 m in the mariana trench. scientific reports. 2019, 9: 2610.

  li jy, song zl, yan gy, he l.s.*. the complete mitochondrial genome of the largest amphipod, alicella gigantea: insight into its phylogenetic relationships and deep sea adaptive characters. international journal of biological macromolecules 2019, 141:570-577.

  kou q., li z.*,he l., wang y.. rediscovery of the hadal species amblyops magnus birstein & tchindonova, 1958(crustacea: mysida; mysidae):first record from the mariana trench. zootaxa. 2018, 4402(1): 042-052. 

  wang y.*, zhu f.c., he l.s., danchin a.. unique trna gene profile suggests paucity of nucleotide modifications in anticodons of a deep-sea symbiotic spiroplasma. nucleic acids research. 2018. doi:10.1093lnarlgky045. 

  wang s.l., li y.l., han z., chen x., chen q.j., wang y., he l.s.*. molecular characterization of a novel n-acetylneuraminate lyase from a deep-sea symbiotic mycoplasma. marine drugs. 2018,16(3). doi:10.3390/md16030080. 

  li j.y., guo d.h., wu p.c., he l.s.*. ontogeny reversal and phylogenetic analysis of turritopsis sp.5 (cnidaria, hydrozoa, oceaniidae), a species endemic to xiamen, china. peerj. 2018,6:e4225. 

  yan g.y., zhang g., huang j. m., lan y., sun j., zeng c., wang y., qian p.y., he l.s.*. comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals candidate genes and pathways involved in larval settlement of the barnacle megabalanus volcano. international journal of molecular sciences. 2017, 18(11). doi: 10.3390/ijms18112253. 

  he l.s., zhang g., wang y., yan g.y., qian p.y.*. toward understanding barnacle cementing by characterization of one cement protein-100kda in amphibalanus amphitrite. biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.11.101. 

  he l.s., zhang p.w., huang j.m., zhu f.c., antoine d., wang y.. the enigmatic genome of an obligate ancient spiroplasma symbiont in a hadal holothurian. applied and environmental microbiology. 2017. doi: 10.1128/aem.01965-17.

  kou q., chen j., li x.z.*, he l.s., wang y.. new species of the giant deep-sea isopod genus bathynomus a.milne edwards, 1879(crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from hainan island, south china sea. integrative zoology. 2017, 12(4):283-291.

  shen y.j., kou q., zhong z.x*., li x.z., he l.s.. the first complete mitogenome of the south china deep-sea giant isopod bathynomus sp. (crustacea: isopoda: cirolanidae) allows insights into the early mitogenomic evolution of isopods. ecology and evolution. 2017, 7(6):1869-1881. 

  wang y., huang j.m., wang s.l., gao z.m., zhang a.q., danchin a.*, he l.s.*. genomic characterization of symbiotic mycoplasmas from the stomach of deep-sea isopod bathynomus sp..environmental microbiology. 2016, 18(8):2646-2659.

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